
Hi, I’m Marcella - the founder of Cella Ce. 

I doubt there has been a day in my life that I haven't thought about gold leaf.

Where it all began

I was born and raised in southern Germany, where my father owns and operates a gold leaf factory and my mother (a master gilder) used to plate mannequins and picture frames with real gold leaf for her clients. As you can imagine, gold leaf has always been a topic in our family.

The first time I heard about gold leaf for cosmetics was in 2007 when my fathers factory went through a rough time. He knew he had to break new ground with his products to keep the factory going and provide for our family. Back then, the story was told that Cleopatra of Egypt used gold leaf on her skin to preserve her youthful complexion, but there was no clinical evidence that proved it. 

This is why in 2010 my dad initiated the first ever studies on cosmetic gold at the Swiss Skin Test Institute without knowing what to expect. None of us would have ever guessed, that gold leaf would show results this significant. The foundation was set for a new product category. However, it took another 10 years until I got involved.

How I got involved

In 2020 I started working for my dad, helping him update his website and provide valuable information about gold leaf to the skin care industry. This is when I first noticed how much false information about cosmetic gold leaf is out there and how many companies claim effects that have never been proven. This not only makes me sad, but it also makes me wonder how much of the information you can find online about other skin care products is actually true. In the years that followed, I became more deeply involved with skincare and ingredients out of personal interest and in an effort to improve my own skin's appearance.

Finding Cella Ce

In 2021 I moved from Germany to the United States to live with my husband. I noticed that most people I talked to have never heard of facial treatments with 24K gold leaf before, but showed great interest after hearing about the benefits it provides. 

After doing a little research I quickly realized that trustworthy online shops offering facial treatments made of 100% gold leaf are hard to find in the United States. This is why I decided to start offering cosmetic grade 24K pure gold leaf masks to everyone seeking radiant & younger looking skin. Or how I like to say: seeking the GLOW! 

- Marcella